What is NeuroLink?

NeuroLink is a low cost, modular Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) for use by persons physically incapable of operating a mouse and keyboard. In particular, it is being developed as a system to allow advanced stage ALS patients to communicate with the outside world using a computer. People with ALS gradually lose their voluntary motor functions--the ability to move an arm, finger, or toe, to make a face, to speak or move one's lips, or to blink one's eyes. They are basically trapped in a non-functioning shell. By restoring, on even a limited basis, their ability to communicate, NeuroLink will drastically improve their quality of life while avoiding the prohibitive cost of the existing commercial solutions.


NeuroLink is currently in early testing phases. A downloadable SDK is not available yet. Keep up to date on our blog.

Coming Soon

Learn More

More information about the NeuroLink system available for download.

Posters Presentations

External Links

NeuroLink utilizes the The Muse Brain Computer Interface and the Eye Tribe eye tracker which are available for purchase below.

Muse Brain Computer Interface Eye Tribe Eye Tracker

About Us

MindMeld is a group of Drexel University Students committed to designing assistive technology that will revolutionize the way people interact with computers and the environment.

Lead: Ken Fox

Code: Andrew Black

Code: Eric Loi

Support: Matthew Bodofsky